Brand, Product & Demand Generation
(Analytics industry)

In a fiercely competitive data and analytics industry, a start up needed to create a unique and compelling brand that was clear on what it stood for and launch it to market on a shoestring budget.


The data industry in Australia (and generally around the world) can be quite confronting, with a “we are the experts, don’t worry your pretty little head” approach. Leading brands often take a heavy, quite masculine approach with an authoritative tone. We wanted the new brand to operate in a completely different space. To do this we combined a number of insights, audience attributes, design cues and marketing levers into a single unified brief for all agency partners.

  1. Insights: To help paint the picture, we explained how customers want to understand what they are buying is ‘fit for purpose’, simply articulates ‘what next’ & can be accessed easily. Many analytics didn’t go beyond insight & deliver an associated next best action the customer needs to drive change, so we saw this as a key opportunity for differentiation. Equally, while the market had very high data governance, it was not something any brand proactively talked about. We saw this as a barrier to the realisation of data’s potential

  2. Audience: The brand needed to cater to the needs of four unique audiences. These included demand-side customers wanting access to products & services purpose built for their industry, supply-side businesses wanting to productise their data & create an additional (compliant) revenue stream, data-conscious consumers, and the broader community wanting to benefit from the brand’s expertise & philanthropy

  3. Rallying cry: An inspirational phrase or message that is designed to galvanize and unite a team, community, or audience around a common purpose or goal. We positioned data as a potent yet underutilized problem-solving force, inspiring our team to wrap their arms around it and unlock its full potential for positive change

  4. Single Minded Proposition (SMP): A clear and concise statement that communicates the primary benefit or unique selling point of a product, service, or brand. It’s incredibly important to limit this to a single sentence, ideally the shorter the better. We were able to boil this down  to five words - ‘data to change your world’

  5. Reasons to believe: While the SMP is the central, concise statement conveying the primary benefit or unique selling point, the "reasons to believe" are supporting pieces of information that help reinforce and substantiate that proposition. Supporting our SMP, we highlighted ease of access, advisory services, PhD-backed analytics, a vast data universe, transparent data compliance, pro bono analytics in medical fields, and social contributions

  6. Brand architecture and expression: Working with agency partners, we created and positioned a new brand strategy, brand architecture, messaging and identity. A key decision from the outset was to take a softer approach, which resulted in a violet base to the colour palette, quirky Raleway font and a flat illustration style that featured a female ‘hero’. All collateral, including the website, eDMs and social media assets followed design rules for icons, buttons, background colours, dividers and tone of voice

  7. Launch event and PR: While a full programme designed to build B2B marketing fundamentals would follow, the official brand launch combined a launch event with an aligned PR launch that also promoted seed investment that had been recently received from a major Australian company


  • 100 senior marketers and executives attended the launch event

  • Media coverage in the Australian Financial Review, B&T and others

  • Acquisition of multiple blue-chip clients, equating to millions in lifetime value


We established B2B marketing fundamentals that generated 50% of a start up's new business