Consumer insights behind three famous marketing campaigns

Being a research geek I often find myself trying to guess what the consumer insight is behind marketing campaigns (or whether one exists at all) and the associated creative objective. Here are three of my favourites.

Old Spice - Smell like a man, man

Consumer Insight: Women purchased 70% of all male toiletry products.
Creative Objective: Appeal to both women and men and provoke a conversation between couples about body wash.

Dove - Beauty Debate

Consumer Insight: Only 2% of women considered themselves beautiful & 68% felt the media set an unrealistic standard of beauty.

Creative Objective: Encourage people to question what was considered beautiful in society and fuel a debate.

Tontine - Pillow Expiry

Consumer Insight: Pillows weigh 3 times their original weight after 2 years due to dead skin cells and the things that feed on them.

Creative Objective: Encourage people to take a healthier approach to sleeping and renew their pillows more frequently.


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